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His True and Facile Pen: C.H. Balsbaugh and Swatara Brethren Fraktur by Corinne and Russel Earnest and Patricia Suter


New book illustrates a group of fraktur made by Christian-Hervey “C.H.” Balsbaugh (1821-1909) and others who worked along Swatara Creek in the Hummelstown area of Dauphin County, PA. These fraktur were made for Brethren of the Big and Little Swatara Brethren Churches during the mid-1800s to early 1900s.


Includes genealogical background about the Balsbaugh family plus excerpts from C.H. Balsbaugh’s autobiography. Foreword by Gary and Denise Baer. His True and Facile Pen features nineteen birth records, bible records, and other examples from this previously unrecognized group of fraktur.


Softcover, 52 pages, color illustrations. Everyname index 

His True and Facile Pen - Corinne and Russel Earnest and Patricia Suter

$34.95 Regular Price
$29.71Sale Price


    ©2020-2023 Patricia Earnest Suter and Earnest Archives and Library

    Design & Development by Divine Self Arts

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