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    Most recent edition

    of Der Reggeboge

    The newest edition of Der Reggeboge (The Rainbow) Journal of the Pennsylvania German Society is out. Established in 1891, the Pennsylvania German Society is dedicated to exploring 325 plus of Pennsylvania German history in the colonies and America. Volume 54 of Der Reggeboge is dedicated to the study of Fraktur in this case, Fraktur Fest IV!

    This issue includes, “In the Beginning: A Fraktur Genesis,” by Russ Earnest and Patricia Earnest Suter. In this case, the word Fraktur encompasses a discussion of the early American version of the illuminated manuscript to include religious text, New Year’s Greetings, House Blessings, Vorschrift, Birth and Baptism Certificates, and more.

    Additionally, articles written by June Burk Lloyd, Del-Louise Moyer, Marilyn A. Becker, and Deborah Bussert Baker complete the discussion. Beautifully illustrated, Der Reggeboge showcases both free hand and printed works. To learn more, contact the Pennsylvania German Society at

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    Helpful hint regarding picture use: You might think the picture of a fraktur, bookplate, Vorschrift, old book, reward of merit, Taufschein, broadside, newspaper, and etc. is in the public domain because of the age of the item. The picture/image/collection of pixels itself, however, is NOT in the public domain. The copyright rights of the image belong to the photographer/author/auctioneer/whomever took the picture/pixels/photograph/image. Do NOT reproduce images without permissions.

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